
8 posts

How to change your behaviors and achieve your goals

Have you ever bought a new car and suddenly you start seeing your car everywhere? Or consider buying a new watch and notice that everyone seems to have that exact one? It’s a funny thing that our brain does to us and it’s called the reticular activating system and helps control our attention. What is […]

Change your life in 7 minutes a day

{this post contains affiliate links where I make a small % commission if you decide to purchase any of them} How to read 200 books in a year In Tony Robin’s audio seminar Unleash the Power Within, he talks about when he was a young man he read 700 books in 7 years.  He was actually […]

3 Steps to Getting out of Debt

(This post may contain affiliate links where get a small % of a commission. I only promote products I love, if you want to see a full list, go to: https://www.wellnesshabits.com/products-i-love/) Here at Wellness Habits we write about things that impact our well being, mind-body-spirit. Topics of Finances I file under things that impact our […]